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DEpartmEnt oF computEr sciEncE & inFormation tEchnology

          Prof. Vinay Rishiwal

          Interest Area and Specialization:-
          h   His current research interest includes Wireless Sensor Networks, IoT, Cloud Computing,
             Machine Learning, Social networks and Blockchain Technology. He is working to apply
             modern tools such as deep neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, classifiers,etc. and
             their applications for better use and analysis of social and sensor data, to unleash the potential of these

          h   Link available on University Website (
          Cumulative Impact Factor(SCI):- Nil

          Research/Expert ID:

               Scopus            ORCID             PUBLONS         VIDWAN              GOOGLE SCHOLOR
            18134724800        0000:0003:       AAY:3128: 2020    154246            (

          Faculty/Expert Index:

                                H-Index                    I-Index                   RGScore
                                   11                        13                         -
          Research Paper Published (InNumbers):
                                SCI              Scopus         UGC Care Listed         Others
                                8                  11                  2                   -

          Books/Edited Books/Book Chapters/Monographs (In Numbers):

                        Books       Edited Books      Books Chapters      Monographs         Others
                           -             3                  07                  -              -

          National/International research fellowship: Nil

          Completed/Ongoing Research project (In Numbers):- 04
                 Completed (03)               Ongoing (01)

          Paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Resource Person/Session Chaired (In                            RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)

                     National     International   Workshop       Session Chaired       Resource Person
                         0             26             2                59                     60+

          Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh                                  25
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43