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DEpartmEnt oF computEr sciEncE & inFormation tEchnology
Dr. Brajesh Kumar
Interest Area and Specialization:
h The major interests of research include image processing, machine learning, deep
learning, parallel processing, and natural language processing with a special focus on
remote sensing, agriculture, and pattern recognition. Hyperspectral image classification is
one of my most recent research efforts.
h It includes the integration of spectral and spatial information for better classification accuracy. It is achieved
either by post classification refinement or by combined spectralspatial feature set. However due to large data
volume and complex algorithms such classification methods are sometimes computationally expensive. To
alleviate the higher execution time parallel implementation of such methods is done on GPUs.
h The ongoing work also includes the development of algorithms/methods for image analysis having application
in precision agriculture. I am working on a research project funded by Govt. of UP to develop methods for
identification of plant diseases.
h Link:
Cumulative Impact Factor(SCI):
h 24.225
Research/Expert ID:
Scopus Orcid Publons Vidwan Google Scholar
56637603700 0000- 0001- 8100 7287 C-6216-2018 154275 ZrdBaYIAAAAJ&hl
Faculty/Expert Index:
H-Index I-Index RG Score
8 7 15.3
Research Paper Publised(In Numbers):
SCI Scopus UGC Care Listed Others
7 1 4 20
Books/Edited Books/Book Chapters/Monographs(In Numbers):
Books Edited Books Books Chapters Monographs Others
0 2 0 0 0
National/International research fellowship: RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
Details of Awarding Agency
National Research Fellowship: AICTE International Research Fellowship
Completed/Ongoing Research project (In Numbers):
Completed Ongoing
Major 1 0
Minor 1 1
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 31