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DEpartmEnt oF anciEnt history
40. Khan, M. I. (2015). Participatory Paradigm for Linear Land Acquisition Projects. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research and Development, 1(3), 1-5. Retrieved 03.10.2015, from
41. Khan, M. I. (2015). Land Acquisition, Dispossession, and Alternatives for Inclusion: A Case Study of NH24 Bareilly Bye-
Pass Land Acquisition. In M. A. Salam (Ed.), Economic Growth in India: The Challenges of Inclusiveness (First ed., pp.
266-279). New Delhi: Regal Publications (
42. Khan, M. I. (2015). Extended Participation and Redistributive Scheme for Linear Land Acquisition Projects. In P. A.
Majeed, & B. Biswas (Eds.), Land, Water & Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development (pp. 75-81). Agra: Associated
Publishing House.
43. Khan, M. I. (2015). Entrepreneurship Visited in Ideological Paradigms and Social Contexts. International Journal of
Applied Research, 1(10), 1033-1040. Retrieved 23.10.2015, from
44. Khan, M. I. (2015). Entrepeneurship: Ideology and Contingencies. Al-Barkaat Journal of Finance & Management (ABJF&M),
7(2), 76-91. doi:10.5958/2229-4503.2015.00016.8
45. Khan, M. I. (2015). An Essay on Utilitariaism, Voluntary Renunciation and The Sufis’ Will-Less-Ness. International
Journal of Enterpreneurship and Development Studies, 3(2), 101-25. Retrieved 16.9.2015, from
46. Khan, M. I. (2015). A Thematic Discussion on Women Entrepreneurship. (A. K. M-Ziaul-Islam, Ed.) International
Journal of Development Studies (IJEDS), 3(3), 333-362. Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
php?journal=ijeds&page= article&op=view&path%5B% 5D=70&path%5B%5D=pdf_28
47. Khan, M. I. (2015). A Few Observations on Unity in Diversity. Research Gate, 1-6. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2416.9447
48. Khan, M. I. (2015). A Discussion on Utilitarianism and Renunciation. In M. S. Siddiqui (Ed.), Sufism and Indian Spiritual
Traditions: An Educational perspective (First ed., pp. 189-203). New Delhi: New Delhi Publishers (
1. Economics of Traditional Educational Systems of India. 2012. New Delhi: Abhijeet Publications. Pp. 334. [ISBN: 978-93-
2. *Land Acquisition and Justice - WRITING UNDER PROGRESS
3. *Utility and Consumer Renunciation: The Asiatic Way - WRITING UNDER PROGRESS
4. *Ready to publish: Nine – ten collections, comprising of around 1000 verses, of Urdu Poetry.
Chapters in Books
1. A Discussion on Utilitarianism and Renunciation. In M. S. Siddiqui (Ed.), Sufism and Indian Spiritual Traditions: An
Educational perspective (First ed., pp. 189-203). New Delhi: New Delhi Publishers (
2. Extended Participation and Redistribution Scheme for Linear Land Acquisition Projects. In P. Majeed& B. Biswas (ed).
Land, Water and Renewal Energy for Sustainable Development. Agra: Associated Publishers. 2015. Pp. 75-81.
3. Land Acquisition, Dispossession, and Alternatives for Inclusion: A Case Study of NH24 Bareilly Bye-Pass Land Acquisition.
In M. A. Salam (Ed.), Economic Growth in India: The Challenges of Inclusiveness (First ed., pp. 266-279). New Delhi: Regal
Publications (
4. Women through Economic and Entrepreneurial Literature. In S. Kukreti (Ed.), Women Empowerment through Media and
Literature (1st ed., pp. 61-70). New Delhi, India: Neel Kamal Prakashan. RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
Declaration: I hereby declare that above mentioned data are correctand in best of my knowledge. In case of any
discrepancies, I shall be sole responsible.
Name: Dr M. I. Khan
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 191