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P. 200
DEpartmEnt oF anciEnt history
Dr. Ruchi Dwivedi
Interest Area and Specialization:
h Agricultural Field, Micro Economics and International Economics
h Link:
Research/ Expert ID:
h Vidwan: 224934
h Google Scholar: view_op= new_articles &hl=en&imq=DR+RU
h Orcid id :CHI+DWIVEDI&authuser=4#
Faculty/Expert Index:
H-Index I-Index RG Score
- - -
Research Paper Published (In Numbers):
SCI Scopus UGCCareListed Others
1 2 8
Books/ Edited Books/ Book Chapters/ Monographs (In Numbers):
Books Edited Books Books Chapters Monograph Other
- - 04 - -
Completed/ Ongoing Research project (In Numbers):
h Completed: Nil
h Ongoing :( 01 minor)
Paper presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop/ Resource Person/ Session Chaired (In
Numbers):- Paper presentation
National International Workshop Session Chaired Resource Person
16 07 07 06 -
Research Publication (2015-2021) :-( Only SCI/Scopus/UGC Care): Nil
Declaration: I hereby declare that above mentioned data are correct and in best of my knowledge. In case of any RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
discrepancies, I shall be sole responsible.
Name: Dr. Ruchi Dwivedi
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 187