Page 196 - Hindi Class - 1.cdr
P. 196
DEpartmEnt oF anciEnt history
Dr. Ashutosh Priya
Interest Area and Specialization:
h I am teaching Economics and Management from last about 20 years and during this period
I have developed in my interest in different areas academics.
h My current area research is Higher Education Entrepreneurship and Public Economics.
Research/ Expert ID:
h Publons: ABA- 3719-2020
h Google Scholar: 0AAAAJ&hl=en
Faculty/ Expert Index:
H-Index I-Index RG Score
3 1 -
Research Paper Published (In Numbers):
SCI Scopus UGCCareListed Others
- 13 16 14
Books/ Edited Books/ Book Chapters/ Monographs (In Numbers):
Books Edited Books Books Chapters Monograph Other
02 12 14 - -
National/ International research fellowship: Nil
Completed/ Ongoing Research project (In Numbers):
h Ongoing :( 01 minor)
Paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/ResourcePerson/Session Chaired (In
Numbers):-Paper presentation - 95
National International Workshop Session Chaired Resource Person
78 18 - - -
Patents (In Numbers):-
National International RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
02 -
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 183