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DEpartmEnt oF anciEnt history

          Prof. Vijay Bahadur Singh Yadav

          Interest Area and Specialization:
          h   Puranik Granthomein Samajik Parivertan.
          h   Puranas are the historical sources of Indian society and vast genre of Indian literature about
             a wide range of topics, particularly about legends and other traditional lore. The Puranas
             are known for the intricate layers of symbolism depicted within their stories. It sculpt the   sacred and ethical
             code of human and divine relations through vrata-katha- the religious narratives of Gods and Goddesses. The
             changes, similarity and asymmetry in ancient Indian society can understand by analytical study of Puranik
             Literature. The most significant influence of the Puranas literature has been stated as”culture synthesis”,
             in weaving and integrating the diverse beliefs. These historical records mentioned ritualistic rites, Vedantic
             philosophy and fictional legends. This extensive annals of Puranik history are my efficient area of research.

          Research Paper Published (InNumbers):

                                SCI          Scopus         UGC Care Listed           Others
                                 -              -                  -                    05

          Books/Edited Books/BookChapters/Monographs (InNumbers):

                         Books      Edited Books         Books Chapters          Monograph     Other
                           01            -                      01                    -          -

          National/International research fellowship:
                               SLET         UGC accredited        Higher Education, Govt. of Bihar
                                 -                 -                            -

          Completed/Ongoing Research project(InNumbers):

                               Completed      Ongoing
                 Major                             01

          Paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/ Resource Person/Session
                     National          International     Workshop      Session Chaired      Resource Person
                       11                    -               -               05                    03

          Research Publication(2015-2021) :-( Only SCI/Scopus/UGC Care)                                                 RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
          1.  Yadav, V.B.S., , “Pracheen Bharat me ShilpiSangathanokiPrashasanikVyavastha” Janak : A Journal of  Humanities ISSN
          2.  Yadav, V.B.S.“Himalaya Ki NaagSanskriti – EkVivechana” Journal of Nehru Gram Bharati University ISSN No.2319-9997,

          Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh                                 179
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