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DEpartmEnt oF law
Patents (In Numbers):
National International
01 -
Research Consultancy (In Numbers):
National International
01 -
Research Publication (2015-2021) :-( Only SCI/Scopus/UGC Care)
1. Kumar ,Ashok Bhartiy Samvidhan,Manav Adhikar evm Lok Kalyan’’Manav Adhikar :Nai Dishyen,ISSN 0973-7588NHRC
2. Kumar,Ashok. ‘’Democracy and Social Justice :Vision of Babassheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’’ Global Journal of Law &
3. Kumar,Ashok I.C.T. and Digital Media in Higher Education……. Global Journal of Legal Studies,2015
4. Kumar,Ashok,“Hashiye ka samaj, Bal shhram aur Manav Adhikar’’ Manav Adhikar :Nai Dishyen,NHRC,2018,pp.185-190
5. Kumar,Ashok,“Bhartiya Sambidhan ke Niti Nideshak Tatva evm Samposhhniy vikas’’Drishtikon,2020,ISSN:0975-119X
6. Kumar,Ashok“Food Safety:A Global Challenge’’The Journal of Oriental Research Madras,2021 ,pp.54-62
7. Kumar, Ashok,“Corona Kaal me Manav Adhikar Aur Vidhi’’Manav Adhikar Nai Dishayen 2020, pp.75-90
8. Kumar, Ashok,“An Effective face recognition system based on cloud I oT with a deep learning’’ Microprocessor and
Microsystem-SCI Journal,2020,pp.1-8
Declaration: I here by declare that above mentioned data are correct and in best of my knowledge. In case of any
discrepancies, I shall be sole responsible.
Name: Dr. Ashok Kumar
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 175 RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)