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Research Publication (2015-2021) :-( Only SCI/Scopus/UGC Care)
1. Dr. Singh Amit “Poverty and Developmental Panorama in India : Needs a Human Rights Perspective”, Published by
American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, USAVol. 2, 2015, ISSN : 2328-3734,
2. Dr. Singh Amit “Appointment of Judges and Overview of Collegium System in India : A Need to Reform”, Published by
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), USA, ISSN No. 2320-5407
3. Dr. Singh Amit “Consultative Jurisdiction of Supreme court of India : Assessment & Critical Analysis”, Published by IOSR
Journal of Humanities and Social Science, USA, Vol. 21, ISSN No. : 2279-0837
4. Dr. Singh Amit “An analysis of advisory opinions delivered by Supreme Court : Present and, Published by IJIRAS”,
International Journal of Innovative Research and Advance Studies, ISSN No. 2394-4404
5. Dr. Singh Amit “Comparative Analysis of Advisory opinion of court in classical and Newer democracies of the world”,
Published by JOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science USA Vol. 23, ISSN No. 22790837
6. Dr. Singh Amit “The Data Privacy and Protection Law and Its Inevitability: A Critical Analysis”, SELP Journal of Social
Science UGC Approved (46622) 3.655 (CIF) 2.78 (IRSIF), 0975-9999(P) 2340-1655(0) Vol.-IX, Issue-26 April-June 2018
7. Dr. Singh Amit “The Constitutional Spirit of Word Union and Colonial Hangover of the Word Central in the Federal
Structure of India”, Statute Law Review, 2017 Scopus Journal Oxford University Press, United Kingdom (U.K.) 0.114(H)
33733 No., 01443593 Oxford University Press.
8. Dr. Singh Amit “Legal analysis of Juvenile Justice Act, 2018-2019: Its Efficacy in Rohilkhand Region”, Law Review LKO.
Vol. 38 No. 1 2018 UGC Approved Journal, 2349-943X Dec., 2018.
9. Dr. Singh Amit “Nationalism and Forced Patriotism in India : A Legal Analysis on the Controversy of National Anthem,
Song and Flag”, Law Review, LKO Vol. 39, No. 1 2019, UGC Approved Journal, 2349-943X Dec, 2019.
10. Dr. Singh Amit “Development of Judicial process in India and doctrine of judicial precedent: An overview” INFOKARA
RESEARCH, UGC care list journal, ISSN NO. 1021-9056, 2020
11. Dr. Singh Amit “A Critical analysis of anti-conversion laws in india with special reference to love-jihad”, compliance
education journal, UGC care list journal, ISSN NO. 0898-3577, 2020
12. Dr. Singh Amit “A Critical analysis of anti-corona laws in india and its efficacy”, INFOKARA RESEARCH, UGC care list
journal, ISSN NO. 1021-9056, 2020
13. Dr. Singh Amit “Legal protection of Cow in India: Need to form a federal law against cow slaughter” ANVESAK RESEARCH,
, UGC care list journal, ISSN NO. 0378-4568, 2021
14. Dr. Singh Amit “Domestic violence against women in India during covid-19 pandemic: a critical analysis” The journal of
oriental research Madras , UGC care list journal, ISSN NO. 022-3301, 2021
Declaration: I hereby declare that above mentioned data are correct and in best of my knowledge. In case of any
discrepancies, I shall be sole responsible.
Dr. Amit Singh RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 173