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Faculty oF lEgal stuDiEs

                                              DEPARTMENT OF LAW

          Dr. Amit Singh

          Interest Area and Specialization:
          h   Constitutional Law and  governance,  Law relating to women& child, RTI, Human Rights,
             cyber law etc.


          Cumulative Impact Factor (SCI):- Nil

          Research/Expert ID:-Nil


          Research Paper Published (In Numbers):

                                      SCI          Scopus      UGC Care Listed    Others
                                        -            02              22             18
          Books/Edited Books/Book Chapters/Monographs (In Numbers):

                         Books      Edited Books         Books Chapters         Monograph     Other
                           17            02                    06                   02          05

          National/International research fellowship:

          h   Details of Awarding Agency:- Sahitikpuraskar, 2014, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India
          h    National Research Fellowship: - JRF (UGC)
       RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
          Completed/Ongoing Research project (In Numbers):
          Completed                          Ongoing                         Major                 Minor
                                                          N.A.              -      01

          Paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Resource Person/Session Chaired (In
                          National    International  Workshop     Session Chaired  Resource Person
                             42            08            04             09                 -

          Patents (In Numbers):- Nil

          Research Consultancy (In Numbers):-Nil

         172                Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190