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DEpartmEnt oF philosophy

                                         DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY

          Prof. Rajjan Kumar

          Interest Area and Specialization:
          h   Indian Philosophy and Religion, Jainism, Applied Philosophy

          h   Prof. Rajjan Kumar did Ph.D. on topic “Concept of samadhimaran in Jainism“from Banaras
             Hindu University, Varanasi. His D.Lit. work contains topic”A Critical Survey of Different
             Aspect of Jainism” from V.K.S. University, Ara (Bihar). He worked as PDF at B.L.Institute of Indology, Delhi on
             topic “Jain Biology”.

          h   He completed one UGC Major Research Project entitled “Applicability of Indian Philosophical Conceptions to
             the  Society.” 3- Minor Research Projects sponsored by ICPR, New Delhi and 2-UGC Minor Research Project
             as Co-PI.
          h   His Academic pursuit has had been continued by Publishing 5 books and edited one book alongwith published
             135 Research articles , attended  and presented papers in national and international seminars/conferences/
             congress, chaired session and contributed to delivered resource lectures.

          h   Life and executive members of different professional bodies like ABDP, IPC, ISGS, ISSA and Indian Prohibition
          h   Planning to explore ‘Problems of Avidyain Indian Philosophy’, ‘Gandhian  View on Environmental Ethics’,
             ‘Relevance of Indian Concept of Moral and Value Education for the Society’.



                   Scopus         Orcid         Publons            Vidwan               GoogleScholar
                      -          Rajjankr        154292               -    

          Research Paper Published (InNumbers):- ( 2015-2021)
                                       SCI         Scopus       UGCCareListed      Others
                                                                      2             15

          Books/EditedBooks/BookChapters/Monographs (InNumbers):

                               Books      Edited Books   Books Chapters    Monograph     Other

                                 05            01               -               -          -

          Completed/Ongoing Research project(InNumbers):

                        Completed             Ongoing                                                                   RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
          Major                   01 (UGC)
          Minor                   03 (ICPR)
          Minor                   02 (UGC-As C0-PI)

          Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh                                 169
   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187