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P. 179
Faculty oF EDucation & alliED sciEncE
Dr. Suresh Kumar
Interest Area and Specialization:
h “Philosophical Research”. Philosophical Research is the area of my specializtion. This area
is more important to me because I have done a lot work and spent time. I have published
some paper at national and international level which are based on Philosophical research.
The Award of my Ph.D. Degree is also based on Philosophical research. The main goal of Philosophical
research method is to replace new truths and values. this objective can be achieved only through logical
thinking. Philosophical research is the study of how we understand our existence and how we come to
know what is real, good and true. It is an academic discipline and so branches that foucus on specific
area. Philosophical studies in education aim at assessment of the status of knowledge through analysis of
meaning and relationship of different concepts and expositions of underlying assumptions fields concerning
educational theories and pratices.
Research Paper Published (In Numbers):-05
SCI Scopus UGC Care Listed Others
- - - 05
Books/Edited Books/Book Chapters/Monographs (In Numbers):-02
Books Edited Books Books Chapters Monograph Other
0 2 2 - -
National/International research fellowship:-01
Paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Resource Person/Session Chaired (In
National International Workshop Session Chaired Resource Person
4 0 5 - 2
Research Publication(2015-2021) :- 01( Only SCI/Scopus/UGC Care)
1. Kumar Suresh (2021) Bharti shiksha shodh patrika, Lucknow.
Declaration: I here by declare that above mentioned data a re correct and in best of my knowledge. In case of any
discrepancies, I shall be sole responsible.
Name: Dr. Suresh Kumar
166 Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh