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P. 176

DEpartmEnt oF EDucation

          Dr. Rambabu Singh

          Interest Area and Specialization:
          h   My areas of interest in research are philosophical and psychological basis of education,
             teacher education and higher education.

          Cumulative Impact Factor(SCI):- Nil

          Research/Expert ID:- Nil

          Faculty/Expert Index:- Nil

          Research Paper Published(InNumbers):
                                       SCI         Scopus      UGC Care Listed     Others
                                        -             -                -            03

          Books/EditedBooks/BookChapters/Monographs (InNumbers):

                          Books      Edited Books        Books Chapters         Monograph     Other
                            0             2                     2                    -          -

          Paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Resource Person/Session Chaired (In
                        National         International     Workshop    Session Chaired   Resource Person
                           4                   0               5              -                 2

          Research Publication (2015-2021) :-( Only SCI/Scopus/UGC Care): Nil

          Declaration: I here by declare that above mentioned data a re correct and in best of my knowledge. In case of any
          discrepancies, I shall be sole responsible.

                                                                                          Name: Dr. Rambabu Singh       RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)

          Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh                                 163
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