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DEpartmEnt oF pharmacy
Paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Resource Person/Session Chaired (In
National International Workshop Session Chaired Resource Person
05 - - - -
Patents(In Numbers):- NIL
Research Consultancy (In Numbers):- NIL
Research Publication(2015-2021) :-( Only SCI/Scopus/UGC Care)
1. S. B. Tiwari, Mrigender Kumar , “Antidiabtic and Heptoprotective Activity of Seed Extract of Brassica Nigra seed on
Alloxan Induced Model “ International Journal of Chemtech Research ; Vol : 11 No. 6,pp 05-19, ISSN NO. : 0974-4290
2. Yogendra Pal, Prashant Kumar, Shubhankarbhardwaj, shiv Dev Singh, Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari, “Pharmacological
screening of Antiinflammotry activity of methonical extract of cassiafastula leaves” International Journal of creative
Research & thoughts ISSN 2320-2882 volume 9 p.g. 4159-4163
3. Nazimali, Yogendra Pal, Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari “To evaluate antiulcer activity of memordicacharantiafroots in albino
rats”. , World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research Volume ISSN 2278-4357 volume 10(3) p.g. 1321-1332
4. Yogendra pal, Prashant kumar, Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari “Pharmacological screening of Anxioletic activity of alcolholic
extract of withaniasominifera roots in rats.” , World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research Volume ISSN
2278-4357 volume 10 (2) p.g. no. 1456-1466
5. Mohd. Asif Khan, Amit verm, Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari. Nazreen “Origin, epidemiology and Transmission of Pandemic
corona virus(SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, 2019-nCoV): A review” International Journal and Pharmaceutical Research; ISSn:
2349-7203;18(1) 94-103;
6. Mohammad Asif Khan, Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari , Himanshu Gupta, Huma noor. “Evaluation of anxiolytic and
antidepressant potential of hydro-alchoholicindica in albino rats” , Pharmacological Online ISSN 1827-8620; 3, 207-213.
7. Yogendrasingh, Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari, Mohd. Asif Khan, Mohd. Ruman Khan, Huma Noor, SD Singh “Screening of hepto-
protective potential of ethaolic flower extract of tageteserecta in ethanol induced hepatoxicity in rats”, International
Journal of Current Advanced Research; vol-6( Issue 12), ISSN NO. O:2319-6475, P:2319-6505
8. Mohd. Asif Khan, Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari, Himanshu Gupta Traditional, Pharmacological and Patenting Potential of
Neem (AzadirachtaIndica)” Research in Pharmacy and Health Sciences e-Issn-2455-5258
9. S.B. Tiwari, SD Singh, Amit Kumar Verma, DivyankAwasthi, Arun Kumar Rastogi, History of Ayurveda system of
medicines; from prehistoric reperesent Journal of drug delivery and therapeutics ISSN 2250-1177
Declaration: I hereby declare that above mentioned data are correct and in best of my knowledge. In case of any
discrepancies, I shall be sole responsible.
Name: Dr. Shashi Bhooshan Tiwari RESEARCH COMPENDIUM (2015-21)
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 105